Our Services
In-home Family Child Care
Oakland California
License No. 013422615
The Best Daycare
Alphabet Daycare will provide a stimulating and safe environment for children ages three months to ten years. Run by a former elementary school educator (Jane Doe), Alphabet Daycare will be the fun, affordable alternative daycare with the best quality you can find in town. We seek to stimulate and develop children’s problem-solving and reactive thinking skills through staff and child directed activities in our daily agenda. Lectus placerat a ultricies a,interdum donec eget metus auguen u Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen Lectus placerat a ultricies a,interdum donec eget metus auguen u Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel lorem.

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Lectus placerat a ultricies a,interdum donec eget metus auguen u Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel lorem.

Pre School
Lectus placerat a ultricies a,interdum donec eget metus auguen u Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel lorem.
Child Care Enrollment
If you are interested in enrolling your child in our program, please check to see which opening are available. Due to a small group size We do not experience the high turnover. If there is no opening available please add your name to our waiting list.


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​Elsa Childcare provides a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn, explore and grow by playing